The winning package – featuring silver tones and 3-D embellishments – was produced with longtime client Devoted Creations for its Vault Tanning Bronzer.
Founded in 1994 and based in Lake Villa, IL, USA, ID Label is a manufacturer of variable information barcode labels, and the other top stories of the week.
The association’s committees addressed the biggest trends and challenges, from regulations and workforce to sustainability, in Clearwater Beach, FL, USA.
Benefiting from EOS-241 M830’s new ARC certifications, retail suppliers, service bureaus and converters can now streamline RFID tag production and deployment.
The Silver Rating places the Wisconsin-based converter among the top performers in the industry, reflecting its commitment to driving sustainable progress.
The moves reflect the company’s commitment to exceeding customer expectations, delivering innovative solutions, and advancing its legacy as a trusted partner.
With the new press, the flexible packaging company is expanding its offerings in digitally-produced products, including wraps, sachets, and stand-up pouches.
He will oversee the continued growth and success of the Expo, as well as assist in the optimization of other key events in the organization’s portfolio.
The investment underlines the platemaker's dedication to precision, efficiency, and sustainability while reinforcing its commitment to digital transformation.
Monica Battistella discusses the evolving landscape of packaging sustainability, revealing the challenges and opportunities in navigating new regulations.