
FTA Forum addresses flexo trends

Forum boasted over 20 detailed sessions discussing a wide range of trending topics from May 5-8, 2024.

Attendees arrived in Kansas City, MO, USA, on May 5, 2024, for the newest iterations of Flexographic Technical Association (FTA)’s Forum & INFOFLEX. For more than 65 years, flexographers have been able to build their knowledge base with education and networking.

This year also marked the 42nd edition of the popular tradeshow INFOFLEX, which opens on May 6. FTA welcomed more than 1,500 attendees observing 500-plus technologies from more than 180 exhibitors. Forum, meanwhile, boasted over 20 detailed sessions discussing a wide range of trending topics.

The event featured a wide range of sponsors, including Anderson & Vreeland, Bobst, DuPont, Flexo Wash, Fujifilm, Graymills, Harper, Hybrid Software, PCMC, XSYS Global and more.

“Sharing our knowledge, while risky from a competitive standpoint, is the best way to improve the collective understanding of what brands and consumers are really asking for,” added Accredo Packaging’s Kariahlyn Lindsey, Forum & INFOFLEX co-chair.
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